Sunday, November 1, 2015

Leaving On A Jet Plane......

I am getting so freaking excited!

I am leaving Wednesday for my first ever CTMH Consultant Album Retreat!

They have these retreats about every 2 years and it cost as much as going to convention but you come home with a COMPLETED album.  CTMH supplies all but the basic tool kit and we have 2 1/2 days of pure scrapbooking bliss.

I will be in Salt Lake City in November and while it is not forecasted to have snow a girl can dream. 

In preparation of this trip CTMH sent out an email that they are going be paying for our photos that we are going to be using and will have them waiting for us when we arrive. 

 How are they going to do this you ask?

  They opened up a special Studio J album on the consultant side that is 3 special photo well layouts.  They marked what kind and size photo goes in each well and then they will print these pages and bring them to us.  All we will have to do is trim the photos out and be on our little way scrapping.

I made all of the photos black and white because I have no clue what colors are going to be featured for each layout that we create and if the photos are black and white I will not have to worry about clashing photos and paper. 

What do you notice about these Studio - J photo pages?

I have different sizes being printed.  It is still just $6.95 per 2 page "layout" to print these photos - that means that I can print 12x12 down to 1x1 photos for about $3.50 per page.  I can not go to Walgreens and get a 8x10 photo printed for $3.50 much less a whole page of various sizes printed.  

The photos for the retreat range from 5x7, 4x6, 6x4, 4x4, 3x3 and 2x2 images and there are a bunch of them! Imagine the cropping I would be trying to do during the retreat to get this done in a timely fashion or the frustration of not having the correct size (enlargements) for the page that I want to work on.  

I think that when I am about to start working on a new scrapbook for myself I will start using CTMH Studio J to print my photos - especially if I want to use the odd size photos in my layouts.  The money savings is just to large to ignore anymore.

So how so you find these Photo Wells so that you can have CTMH print your photos too?

Go to Studio - J from the link on this blog.  
Upload your photos to Studio J
Go to the Patterns
Find the Express Collections
Then the Photo Collections
You can use the scroll bar to move up and 
down to see all of the photo well patterns. 


But wait there is more...

You really like making the photo books from snap fish.  
You still can but with a scrapbooking flair.  

Use Studio J to create your digital layouts just like you would a regular scrapbooking page.  When you get to check out you can choose to only buy the JPG files ($2.95 each).  The JPG files will be emailed to you and you can download them to your computer.  

Once you have your digital scrapbook layouts saved on your hard drive - go to Snap Fish (or your favorite bound book site and upload your JPG files to them and carry on with your normal photo book procedures.  
 Instead of adding single photos to the bound books you can add your completed digital scrapbooked layouts for a completely different look.

How cool is that? 

While I am away I will still be checking my email and will have my phone if you need to reach me.  I might be having fun but you will always come first.

I will get the completed layouts ready to blog when I get home because I do not want to try and do any blogging since this event is just 2 days.  Oh never fear - I will still be taking photos so you will get to see it all.

Have fun this week and stay safe.  See you when I return home.

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