Let’s backtrack just a little now that I can get to my photos…. My laptop had no storage space left and was giving me warnings. I was not able to put photos on this hard drive but we do have an external photo hard drive called “ Photo Safe” that we use when we travel and it is perfect.
I have the 320GB model and we love it! But I thought that once the photos we on this hard drive I would not have access to them until I was home. Mike to the rescue. We went and bought the USB data cord that was needed and now this workhorse is indispensable.
I have been getting back to the room so late that Mike has just been putting the photos on the photo sate drive and we have been going to bed.
Hee Hee guess what I did last night?
I went over all of the photos are found the ones I wanted to use in the blog and now I can blog until my little heart is content.
Back to Harry Potter shall we.
The day before convention officially started and before my unit team meeting we found Harry Potter!
At this point can I just say ….. Can I live here?
The line to get into Hogwarts was 75 minutes and you better believe that we had no problem waiting!!! Mike and Kaela went back on a different day and rode it multiple times. It was worth the wait!
Then we found a beverage I have always wanted to try.
I had some Butter Beer!
Because I use a wheelchair for the parks it was hard for me to get into the shops in the village – they were packed! So we enjoyed the Hogwarts Choir.
One last photo and then it was back to the hotel for my team meetings.
What a great day!