Sunday, January 31, 2016

February Workshops - La Vie En Rose

February Workshops - La Vie En Rose

Day Workshop
February 23, 2016
10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Evening Workshops
February 25, 2016
7 pm to 9 pm

1504 High Country Lane

Allen, Texas 75002

Please send me a quick email to let me know which class you would like to attend so I know how to prepare for each class 
If you have any questions please email me at:

Products to Pre-Order 
Workshop On The Go: La Vie En Rose
G 1100  $29.95

Other supplies that are needed:

Basic Kit
(your personal supplies)
Paper Trimmer
3-D Foam Tape
My Acrylix Blocks (if you have them)
Piercing Tool

Monday, January 25, 2016

Building Retreat or Crop Kits

So when I posted on Saturday I said that I was spending my crop time building kits for a couple of retreats that I will be attending soon.  I am on a roll this morning and since I seem to be in the mood to build kits - I thought I would take just a short break to explain just what I am doing.

I love crops, retreats or even a quick afternoon scrapbooking session away from the house BUT I hate having to drag everything that I own out of the house just to be able to play.  I love having all of my treasures around me but they do get heavy when it is time to travel.

That is where kits come in very handy. 
 With the kit, I just find a pattern, add the needed paper, photos and embellies to a bag and I am ready to go.

First step:

Find the photos you want to scrap.

I already have my journal block done so I do not have to worry about stopping to do that.  I journal using my computer because, well for two reasons:  Kaela is dyslexic so she can not read handwriting very well and I do not like my handwriting so this works out better for my family. 

Step 2

Find a pattern for your layout

I use all of my CTMH How to Books to find my patterns - to me they are like that favorite cook book that you love to use.

But I do not like toting around all of my books to the crop / retreat so since these are just for my personal use, I make copies of the layouts I need for each set of photos.  

Once I find the pattern, make the copy, then I find the paper that I want to use and make a notes on my cutting guide.  I do this step in pencil so I can re-use my copies over and over.  

 Did you know that you can use these patterns over and over and get different looks each time?  Just change the pattern orientation from horizontal to vertical and follow the same cutting directions.  Presto - Chango... new layout! 

Step 3

Bag it up

The above photo has 12 page kits ready to go inside, and I still have plenty of room for more kits.

Once you have your paper and photos together just pop them in a zip top bag with a few embellishments and you are ready to go.

The Brain Fart Cardstock Bag:

This is a zip top bag of neutral cardstock for the occasional brain fart - like I forget to pack the base page cardstock in a kit or something.  The goal is not have to take all of my cardstock with me.  This bag may only have about 15 sheets of neutral cardstock for the entire retreat.  

Step 4

Pack it up

Then to my roll cart I add all of the other fun stuff we love to scrapbook with.

Do not forget to pack a spare blade for your trimmer and tons of extra adhesive.  It sucks to get to the crop or retreat and realize that you forgot to pack adhesive.

My Extra's

I am going to pack an extra, small bin with ALL of my DMC thread and sewing templates because I can not have a layout that does not have some sort of stitching on it.  The thread is super light so it will not take up much room.

I am also going to add a couple of layout neutral embellishments to have on hand.  Sometimes what you think you need when you are packing and what you need while working on the layout differ just a bit.   Those will fit in the drawers.

This is everything all ready to go:

With just a little planning and a few steps it is easy to Scrapbook on the Go.


It is Sunday night and I just finished making all of the kits for my 2011 Family album. I will be taking 28 (2 page) layout kits and that will make 56 individual scrapbook pages. 

Now let's see how many I actually finish. (hee hee) 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Facebook Changes

Hello my dear friends.

Yesterday I changed my facebook for "myscraproom" from a page to a group.  By changing it to a group I am able to post content with greater ease from both my laptop and phone.  

Why does this matter to you?  Well when "My Scraproom" was a page I was unable to see my followers or friends.  The page would not give me a list because it was listed as a small business.  So I was left to guess who liked my page and wanted to see more content.

So - I went down my personal friend list and added the people that I thought might be interested in my scrapbook group.  If you want to be added and are not already there then please click this link.

If I added you and you do not wish to be apart of the group then please remove yourself with no hard feelings.  I promise.  

I also deleted the FB link from this blog on accident 
(Mike was not home and I was trying to do the tech stuff alone)

It does not appear that there is still a gadget in Blogger for Facebook so that link might be gone forever.  I should have just changed the address once I changed from a group to a page but I was over zealous with my skills. 

As always I will try not to overload your email box with multiple blog and Facebook postings - because I do not want to become a pest.

I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Crop You Say?

Have you ever wondered what it is like during a crop night?

Are you wondering what the heck a crop even is? 

Crop is a chance to play with your scrapbooking supplies with others that enjoy the hobby of scrapbooking as much as you do.  I do not require that the supplies you bring to crop are Close to My Heart.

(CTMH supplies are used when I teach workshops)

 Crops are also free.

The January Crop night is small but small is nice too.  I am spending my night making kits for a couple of retreats that I will be going to - while Amy is cranking out some Studio J layouts.   

We are normally in the crop room but since it is just Amy and I - I decided to keep tonight in my scraproom so that I have access to all of my personal supplies while making kits.  

 Many moons ago - "crop night" started in this very room before moving downstairs to the living room - then back up the stairs to the game room.  Now the crop area is set up full time and ready to play when ever anyone wants to come over for a few hours of paper flying joy. 

I hope to see everyone soon.

I am going to get back to making kits.

How To Make a Valentine’s Day Mailbox Out of Paper

Monday, January 18, 2016

Workshops Your Way - Charlotte Layouts

I spent this last weekend prepping for my workshops this week.  As you know CTMH is changing the workshops format from Workshops On The Go over to Workshops Your Way.

This was my first chance to play with the new workshop and now that I have my hands on it - I can see some definite advantages to the changes. 

Price point:

Workshops On The Go:  $29.95
Supplies included: 
Workshops on the Go® Zoe Scrapbooking Kit Contents:
1 – My Reflections™ Zoe Paper Packet (X7197B)
1 – My Acrylix® Zoe Workshop Stamp Set (D-size)
3 – Cardstock Sheets (White Daisy)
1 – Zoe Assortment (Z3082)
1 – Coral Shimmer Trim (Z3088)
1 – Instructional Brochure

Featured Colors: Canary, Glacier, Slate, Sorbet, Sweet Leaf, Whisper, White Daisy

Workshops You Way: $26.95
Supplies Included:
Workshops Your Way™ Charlotte Scrapbooking Kit Contents:
1 – Charlotte Paper Packet (X7205B)
1 – Charlotte Complements (X7205C)
3 – Cardstock Sheets (1 Black, 2 Whisper)
1 – Black & Gold Ribbon (Z3197)
1 – Treasured Puffies (Z3203)
Featured Colors: Black, Champagne, Slate, Sorbet, Whisper, White Daisy


Well for one, no stamp set in WYW.  The paper packs also do not have as much cardstock.  For this months workshop I needed to add 2 sheets of Whisper and 1 sheet of black. 

No cutting guide included with the workshop.  But when you order the kit online there is a link to download the PDF cutting guide to your computer. You can use it from your computer or print out your own copy.

The Card kits are back with WYW.  A few years ago CTMH decided to have just scrapbooking kits or cardmaking kits and took the card cutting guide off of the general workshop instructions.  With WYW they are back!

So let me show you what I was able to complete with just the above WYW kit and 3 extra sheets of cardstock (listed above)

 I just stated that I needed to add 3 sheets of cardstock to make this entire kit.... um I was wrong.  I was just looking at the supply list and noticed that they are listed but since I never I never looked in the bag after starting I never noticed them.  They were there... 

Three layouts and one PML layout is a huge amount but do not forget that I said there is a card kit too included in the cutting guide.  ** Disclaimer** I did make the cards but my camera battery died while taking the photos. I will have them on display during workshop and crop this week.

I was able to make 3 sets of all 3 card designs.  To make the cards I also bought the coordinating Stamp Set and Think Cut set (sold separately) 

Springtimes Wishes Stamp Set C1641 $13.95
Springtime Wishes Thin Cuts Z3201 $13.95

By making all of the above artwork I used almost all of the paper in the pack given in the WYW kit.  That means at least for me there is not a ton of paper left over once I am done with my layouts.  That is a win / win in my book.

But I did not stop there... since I always 2 packs of paper for so that I have enough on hand to teach both workshop dates I was able to make a bonus layout.

The bonus layout is not included in the WYW cutting guide, I made it form my Cherish How To Book (page 20) but you have to admit that is a ton of layouts and cards from just one paper pack.

Given that this workshop does have so many layouts - I will be teaching just one of them during our Workshop Class time.  You will still have the cutting guide and the remaining paper to finish they layouts at home when you have time or bring them to crop night and finish them while we play.

I can not wait to see everyone this week.

Be safe and happy scrapping.

Getting There - 2011 Layouts

I finished a hand full of layouts last week but was unable to take the photos because of the weather - the natural light just was not there. 

So while I was cleaning up since Kaela went back to school yesterday and kiddo's have a way of leaving a trail.... I noticed that the light was great in the crop area and decided today is the day to get the photos of the layouts. 

There is a sister layout to go along with the one above but the camera took a really bad photo or it could be human error so I am not going to post that one. 

The layouts are fairly simple but sometimes simple is just the ticket.  Oh and if you are wondering - yes I am trying to use up long retired paper.  I am taking my own advice and using what I have even if I do still think it is too pretty to cut.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Family Album 2015

Last night Kaela and I stayed up way too late and while she was working on designs for her blog I was working on some layouts in Studio J.  

Remember in my last post telling you that the Family 2015 photos uploaded kinda weird - well on my big screen desk top machine I could see the images better to be able to pluck out some layouts.  

All of the Norway layouts from my last post are part of the Family 2015 album as well as duplicate graduation and party layouts, why recreate the graduation layouts when I can just order two copies.   Last night I worked on these:

I am really bad about not making a cover page for my albums, in fact I am embarrassed to say that many of my albums have a blank first page when you open them just because I never know what to use as the starting page.  Studio J is making that problem go away.  I simply take a couple of cute photos from the year or subject I am working with and make a front and back page from one layout combo. 
 (note to self:  go back and made cover pages for all of those albums)

The page on the right is the first page of the album and the page on the left will be the last page.  I love Mikes silly face in this one and since it does not go with any layout to speak of it will work perfectly has a closing page.  Add a bit of overview journalling and things are off to a great start.

I will not be making Kaela a "college album" so I thought I would pop a few layouts to document her "moving out" and her dorm.   She is a little overwhelmed that she has 12 very full albums that document her childhood starting from kindergarten - 12th grade and a Girl Scout album.  

Ah... Josh Groban 

Ok I just told a fib... these are going into my CTMH business album.  I planned on ordering 2 copies and forgot during the check out process so I will need to do that.  One set for my business album and one set for the family album.

I know that I have photos from when Kaela went to Paris but for the life of me I can not find them.  So for now the photos of her in the airport ready to go will have to work.

Our puppies are getting up there in age so the cold makes them head for the blankets.  I found some cute random photos that will make me smile every time I see them so I scrapped them.

Our last road trip before Kaela left for school.

You may recognize this layout.  It is from Kaela's 12th grade album.  I was working with the same photos to add to the family album and did not like the layout I was coming up with.  So I went back into my "purchased layouts" and found this one.   I liked it so much I am going to use it again.

These are not all of the photos from 2015 but I have a good start.  As I find photos from FB, phones, Instagram ect. I will print or upload to Studio J and work on the layouts.  I want this album to be a mix of traditional paper layouts and digital layouts. 

Not a bad beginning if I do say so myself.