We LOVE going on vacation! Love the planning, the dreaming and then the actual vacation. It has been a tornado of a trip over 2 weeks and I have tried to bring you along for the ride with this blog.
We left to start coming home with the intent of getting very close to Alabama before stopping for the night. But I called a few hotels and found that all of them were booked since it was 4th of July!
Garmin to the rescue!!!! I found a Holiday Inn within 17 miles of where we were – called and they had a room opened and agreed to hold it for us. Garmin told us where to go but when we got there it is not a Holiday Inn anymore. Mom and Kaela wanted to soak in a tub and told Mike and I several times during the trip. After speaking with the front desk we found out that they had a Jr. Suite with a hot tub.
I needed to see the room first so they gave me a key.
Think Motel 6 with a hot tub right beside the bed.
It was clean and cheap so we took 2 rooms but only told mom about one of the rooms. We pull up to the room and all of us went into the room.
Mom and Kaela see a room with a small seating area, bathroom, hot tub and a king size bed right next to it. They asked where they were going to be sleeping so I told them that ALL us would be in the one bed ….
the looks on their faces!!!!!
I almost wet myself laughing!!!
Mike and I quickly left before they could hit us!
After a soak in the tub and a good nights sleep Mike pointed the truck towards home and we did not stop again until we were HOME! It was a little of 12 hours with potty and food breaks.
It was so nice to sleep in my own bed last night.
So today I began opening all of the boxes that came to the house while we were gone. Between the pets and the mail I have a feeling that Michelle was very busy while we were gone.

I ordered 7 of the 8 bundles from convention and almost have every new product in the Fall and Winter Catalog.
I am still trying to think of a good way for you to see everything on crop night July 27, 2013 at 6:00pm.

Ticket stubs, room keys, maps, pins and postcards all need to be put away so that I can find them when time to scrap.
Then I need to start getting

Catalogs ready to go into the mail! It is that time again!!!!!!
You really want to come to crop night this month.
July 27, 2013 at 6:00pm.
First – I will be passing out the new catalog. No waiting for it in the mail
Second – You will be able to see almost all of the new products in the catalog before you buy!
And just because I can not help myself here are couple of the last shots we took at the beach.

It has been a wonderful summer!