I was checking the blog hours ago and found that most of my photos that are attached to blog posts starting in May (when I moved over to Blogger) are missing. I handed my computer over to Mike (hubby that is also my personal IT person) to see if he could find what I did to mess the blog up so badly. Well I did do something but Mike said it is also Bloggers fault.
I use Picasa and Blogger & both are Google products. When I post a blog the post gets saved on Picasa Web Albums. Ok that makes sense but I was looking at this album and thought hmmmm I need to clean this up a bit - and that folks was a huge mistake!
Once I deleted photos from the web album I deleted them from the blog FOREVER - unless I go back in to each blog post.... all 154 of them and repost all of the photos!
Sounds logical ... except I can not access photos from past catalogs from CTMH.
So here is the grand plan... I am going to fix what I can but if you come across a blog post with what seems like missing photos you will know that it was once a pretty post then I had to go and muck it up.
So Sorry! Sometimes my OCD is not my best friend.....
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