I had the best day planned. I was going to start working on Kaela’s high school album. I started by pulling out her 9th grade drawer and starting looking at the photos.
Then I realized that I only had the first semester of photos.
No problem…
I just started looking at the second half of the year and picked out 197 photos to print. Normally I can upload to Walgreens and print with about 2 hours. So I planned to go out at lunch and pick up the photos with a Sonic drink.
This was at 9:00 this morning.
The upload finally finished at 3:00 pm!
It took so long that I decided to organize the photos that I do have. When Kaela was in 6th grade I started gathering “Allen High Colors” so far I have a box with all kinds of paper, ribbons and such to choose from when creating this album.
Here are the photos that I do have as of right now.
I was about to start journaling these photos but then I looked over at my little pug …
Radar is just about 14 years old and this little guy just needed a nap. Since this upload was taking forty forever's I just took my little pug for a nap. When we woke up around 3 pm it was still working. So much for picking them up around lunch and working all afternoon.
Finally finished and I just decided to have them shipped to the house. We are expecting winter weather soon and my little butt is not going to leave the house.
I guess this is good thing in the long run because since I am no longer working at the hospital I do need to start cooking at home. If I get knee deep into a project so late in the day I am not going to want to stop to cook dinner for my family. When I worked I rarely cooked and that was OK but I really need to step up here and get this going.
I bought myself a new cookbook to get back into the feed my family mood.
The cookbook has mixed reviews on Amazon.com but I love Rachael Ray and I love this idea so why not.
I plan on making 3 meals because we LOVE leftovers!
Pray… Tonight is the first night I plan on cooking 
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