Thursday, October 11, 2012

Time For Prayers

Have you ever thought of how long you have been married?

How about how you really feel about your spouses family? 

Mike and I joke that we have been together since we were babies and in some ways it is true since we started dating when I was a freshman in high school.  Our first date was January 16, 1987 and we have been going strong for 25 years – but you do not just choose your spouse you also choose their family and I hit the jackpot!  I love my “in-laws” and we have been together so long that they are no longer “in-laws” but just family. 

So when I was on the phone with Sari (Mikes sister) Sunday a week ago and she was telling me that our 90 year old Grandma just had a heart attack I just moved!  Yelled down the hall for them to get their butts going we had to get to Denton to the hospital.  Sari has never hung up on me in 25 years and when she said that and hung up it was time to get going. 

Grandma was in the ICU for a couple of days and is now in a step down unit (one step lower than ICU) and still recovering but we did not expect her to live much less be asking for COFFEE! 

We are taking turns sitting at the hospital with her while still keeping up with jobs and laundry (why is there always so much laundry) so if it feels like I am not here very much please understand that I am with family and will be back as soon as I can. 


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