I guess that I am just to excited to sleep! This is the second night that I have spent the wee hours of the morning sitting in the lobby next to a plug so that I can play on my laptop and not wake anyone up. Last night was just pure excitement of the wonders to come and tonight it is all of the leadership ideas running around in my head.
I am so thankful that my downline (Tebble) is here with me this year. We are having a wonderful time and since we were in Leadership together we learned about the rookie mistakes I have made in her training and my support of her. At one point we just looked at each other and went “oops”
After all of the brain teasing yesterday we were able to relax for a couple of hours before our local unit meeting - dinner was worth waiting for. Tebble was able to meet our local leaders and we were both recognized for sales levels we reached during the year since last convention. I was then recognized for my unit (Scrappers Guild) and our sales for this year. I can not remember the amount because I was shocked I was being called. Mind you my “team” is just Tebble and I so we did a fair amount of sales and I had no clue.
What fun!
I am looking over my notes and I can go ahead and say that we are lowering the price of then consultant kit to sign up to be a consultant to $49.0o and the Studio J memberships are going away. The price point for Studio J layouts will be lower too!
Oh… I can report we are getting NEW COLORS! (more on that tomorrow)
The new CTMH FALL / WINTER IDEA BOOK will be given to us after General Session today- so if you hear 3000 women screaming from the Dallas Anatole – you know it is good!
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