Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fall 2012 CTMH Idea Books

I was just going over my list of friends that will be getting the new 2012 CTMH Idea book when it goes live August 1, 2012  I noticed that there are a few of you that I need new addresses for.

If you get an email from me asking for your address and would like your catalog please take a moment to send your home address to me so I can get your Idea Book to you as soon as it becomes live.

You are not on my mailing list you say?  Would you like a FREE Idea book of your very own?  Just send me a quick email


I will be happy to add you to my list of friends that will be getting there idea books in August. 


How do you keep getting your Idea Books for FREE?  You only have to place a minimum of 1 order a year and I will send you both Idea Books for that year.

  If you go a year without ordering then I assume that you no longer wish to have this wonderful resource and will remove you from the mailing list.

  It is that simple!

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