Well Summer is here so you would think life would get a little slower… WRONG! My niece is graduating high school this week so we will have a ton of family in town for a couple of weeks. My sister in law is going to run out of beds at her house so I am going to have family at mine.
What does this mean for you? Well….. changes for:
Workshop dates and the June Crop night.
Workshops: We are still trying to have a Bliss make up since I was sick and we need to have Fanfare so
we will have both workshops on the same night!
June 24, 2011 starting at 7pm until 9:30
Bliss Workshop (click to order)
Fanfare Workshop (click to order)
This gives you a little extra time to order the workshop and have it shipped to you if you have not already done so.
We will have enough time to finish both workshops so never fear
Crop night: is being moved to JULY 2, 2011
Cassie is having her graduation party on June 18th and since I am working during her Graduation I was given instructions to be at the party. Besides if I move the crop night to July 2nd you guys can help keep me grounded. Convention will be the next week so I will be super excited and ready to GO!
Thank you so much for your understanding and I can not wait to see you!
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